So begins len deightons billion dollar brain, published in 1966. I first made the acquaintance of len deighton over forty years ago when we spent a rainy weekend in a caravan on the devon coast. Len won a scholarship to the royal college of arts in 1952, eventually graduating in 1955. Oct 01, 2009 buy billion dollar brain new ed by len deighton isbn. Buy billiondollar brain new ed by len deighton isbn. Len deighton books list of books by author len deighton. Jeremy duns pays tribute to novelist len deighton the guardian. Billiondollar brain kindle edition by deighton, len. Billiondollar brain seemed quite different from the others. The billion dollar brain by len deighton fictiondb. It begins with the attempt to unscramble some eggs which are smeared on the body of a finnish journalist in helsinki. Len deighton first editions adrian harrington rare books. Aug, 2019 billion dollar brain by len deighton, 9780008373733, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide.
The classic spy thriller of lethal computerage intrigue and a maniacs private cold war, featuring the same anonymous n. I reiterate that harry palmer is the name given to the character by the filmmakers of the three michael caine movies, though harry goes under the working name of liam dempsey in this novel. Billion dollar brain is a 1966 cold war spy novel by len deighton. Like all the deighton palmer novels, the billiondollar brain is, to quote, wikipedia, intricate, with many dead ends.
I was captivated by them and have been a devoted fan of deightons work ever since. The billion dollar brain, signed by len deighton, 1966 uk first, a unique copy. Jeremy duns pays tribute to novelist len deighton books. Billiondollar brain wikimili, the free encyclopedia. Stream and download audiobooks to your computer, tablet or mobile phone. The film features michael caine as secret agent harry palmer, the antihero protagonist. The 10 digit isbn is 0224610031 and the digit isbn is 9780224610032. It marked the beginning of a very stormy and turbulent relationship between the two men that lasted through the entire production of billion dollar brain. Billion dollar brain 1966 is the most readable of len deightons first four wooc p secret agent books, and also the lightest in tone relativelywere not.
Jun 05, 2014 listen to billion dollar brain audiobook by len deighton. We do not currently have a bio for len deighton see more books by len deighton. In 1966, jonathan capes marketing manager came up with the wheeze of sending out to booksellers and distributors in advance of publication of deighton s new novel billion dollar brain a letter purporting to be from len deighton, in order to generate interest. Billiondollar brain kindle edition by len deighton. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Billiondollar brain by deighton, len paperback book the fast free shipping. We deliver the joy of reading in 100% recyclable packaging. Deighton is also an expert on the history of the british military, having written several nonfiction books on it. Billiondollar brain by deighton, len book the fast free shipping. The billion dollar brain by len deighton and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Billion dollar brain by len deighton and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Listen to billiondollar brain audiobook by len deighton. Someone had left behind copies of the ipcress file, horse under water and funeral in berlin.
I was still in a state of confusion for a good bit of the time, plotwise, but. Details about the billion dollar brain, signed by len deighton, 1966 uk first, a unique copy. Billion dollar brain is a 1967 british espionage film directed by ken russell and based on the novel of the same name by len deighton. Ipcress file was the first len deighton book i read and i was totally confused. Billiondollar brain, len deighton, the companion book. Billiondollar brain by len deighton nook book ebook. Len deightons classic first novel, whose protagonist is a nameless spy later christened harry palmer and made famous worldwide in the iconic 1960s film starring michael caine. The fourth of deightons novels to be narrated by the unnamed employee of woocp is the thrilling story of an anticommunist espionage network owned by a texan billionaire, general midwinter, run from a vast computer complex known as. It follows the ipcress file 1962, horse under water 1963, and funeral in berlin 1964. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. Billion dollar brain by len deighton modern first edition. Billion dollar brain book by len deighton thriftbooks. Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and videos from thousands of public libraries worldwide.
Billion dollar brain by deighton, len book the fast free shipping. We personally assess every books quality and offer rare, outofprint treasures. Billion dollar brain by deighton, len paperback book the fast free shipping. Billion dollar brain by len deighton, first edition abebooks. I have read four books in the nameless spy series by len deighton. Billiondollar brain by len deighton and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Billiondollar brain, len deighton, the companion book club. Billion dollar brain by ken russell ken russell, michael. Billion dollar brain has 12 available editions to buy at half price books marketplace. Set largely in the baltic, palmer his career seemingly on the skids is. It was published by jonathan cape and has a total of 312 pages in the book. As for the book, it arrived in the condition described. Billiondollar brain ebook by len deighton rakuten kobo.
Click to read more about billion dollar brain by len deighton. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. Len deighton author born in london, len deighton served in the raf before graduating from the royal college of art which recently elected him a senior fellow. The classic spy thriller of lethal computerage intrigue and a maniacs private cold war, featuring the same anonymous narrator and milieu of the ipcress file. Billion dollar brain by len deighton world of rare. The fourth of deighton s novels to be narrated by the unnamed employee of woocp is the thrilling story of an anticommunist espionage network owned by a texan billionaire, general midwinter, run from a vast computer complex known as. Billion dollar brain 1966 is the most readable of len deightons first four woocp secret agent books, and also the lightest in tone relativelywere not. The ipcress file was adapted into a film starring michael caine. The classic thriller of a lethal computer age and a maniacs private cold wargeneral midwinter loves his country, and hates communism. Now, on to the book vis a vis the story and author. The billion dollar brain, signed by len deighton, 1966 uk. Librarything is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. Billion dollar brain 1966 is the most readable of len deightons first four woocp secret agent books, and also the lightest in tone relativelywere not talking austin powers here. The third of the 1960s film adaptations of len deighton s espionage novels to star michael caine, billion dollar brain was also the most problematic of the three, mostly owing to john mcgraths script and ken russells direction.
Billion dollar brain by len deighton, 9780586044285, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. Paper cover has mild edge wear with light rubbing and creasing. In the year england won the world cup, len published the fourth in his series of spy novels about the unnamed employee of the woocp. The ipcress file, horse under water, funeral in berlin, billion dollar brain by len deighton and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Billion dollar brain by len deighton i love len deightons 10 book series featuring the character bernard samson and i have now read a few of the unnamed heroharry palmer books, although in no particular order. Billion dollar brain 1966 is the most readable of len deightons first four wooc p secret agent books, and also the lightest in tone relativelywere not talking austin powers here. The ipcress file was not only len deighton s first novel, it was his first best seller and the story that broke the mould of thriller writing. In 1966, jonathan capes marketing manager came up with the wheeze of sending out to booksellers and distributors in advance of publication of deightons new novel billion dollar brain a letter purporting to be from len deighton, in order to generate interest. Billiondollar brain by len deighton, 9780008373733, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. Billiondollar brain 1966, len deighton book, billion. Billiondollar brain ebook by len deighton 9780007342990. The title of this book is the billion dollar brain and it was written by len deighton. It was the fourth to feature an unnamed secret agent working for the british woocp intelligence agency.
There are many differences between the book and the film, including the way the plot is resolved. Billiondollar brain by len deighton overdrive rakuten. The book is very tight and lightly read as it stands on its own with no lean. Minor issues present such as mild cracking, inscriptions, inserts, light foxing, tanning and thumb marking. I have now finished the fourth and last harry palmer novel from len deighton, namely. Len deighton is an english author of spy novels and cookbooks. Mar 26, 2015 billion dollar brain 1966 is the most readable of len deightons first four woocp secret agent books, and also the lightest in tone relativelywere not. The first challenge was crafting an acceptable screenplay from len deightons novel. Billion dollar brain is a 1967 british technicolor espionage film directed by ken russell and based on the novel of the same name by len deighton. Russell, working with scenarist john mcgrath, recalled, the book was totally illogical. Billion dollar brain book by len deighton 12 available. Len deighton served in the raf before graduating from the royal college of art which recently elected him a. Billiondollar brain is a 1966 cold war spy novel by len deighton.
The billion dollar brain by len deighton 9780224610032. Ipcress file was the first len deighton book i read and i was totally confused the whole time i was reading it. I have pointed out that the book is more the james bond type of story than any of the previous books in the series. The third of the 1960s film adaptations of len deightons espionage novels to star michael caine, billion dollar brain was also the most problematic of the three, mostly owing to john mcgraths script and ken russells direction. Buy a cheap copy of billion dollar brain book by len deighton. The billion dollar brain belongs to a powerful private intelligence unit and the data deighton has programmed it with is much more fantastically complex than anything he used in the ipcress file or funeral in berlin. So begins len deighton s billion dollar brain, published in 1966. It was the fourth to feature an unnamed secret agent working for the british woocp. This first edition by len deighton is in fine condition and is housed in a fine dustjacket. Harpercollins has announced that it will reprint eight of his novels this year, including the ipcress file, funeral in berlin and billion dollar brain.
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